You can have points of sale in some locations, offer services at home or have a virtual business. It also refers to the location, structure, means of distribution and even relationships with suppliers, representatives, retailers and distributors. Promotion Promotion refers to the means of influencing consumption of your product. That is, how you will encourage the purchase momentum, generating demand for what you sell. It is connected to the communication channels with the consumer, and what strategies will be used to capture them and, of course, retain them as a loyal customer.
Generally, it is based on three objectives: Inform prospects of the USA WhatsApp Number Data product's existence or benefits; Reveal where and how to obtain that product; Remind you of the existence of the product. Promotion can vary from in-person events to online and offline communication channels. Television, radio, flyers, banners, outdoor, multimedia, magazines, newspapers, email marketing, social networks, sponsored links, content marketing , etc. It is also related to branding , visual identity, advertising, sponsorship marketing, telemarketing, etc.

All of this is tied to the promotion and must be determined in the planning stage. Personas People are a primary element for the sustainability of a business. These are responsible for the execution of the tasks that guarantee the delivery of a quality product or service. Thus, it is necessary that all collaborators and officials know in depth the operational functioning of the company, such as its objectives and goals. Presenting them with a marketing plan will make them understand and know whether or not they are doing a job aligned with the outlined strategies.