Operating system Internet Objectoriented programming Discrete mathematics Communication and collaboration skills Vovinam Students are introduced to operating systems gain knowledge about computer network systems network architecture reference models protocols TCPIP protocol family and some basic knowledge about network security. Students have the mathematical background knowledge for computer science. Students are equipped with teamwork skills including how to work deploy exchange strategies and communicate effectively in groups. See more Review of Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City IUH is it good Semester Database systems Introduction to Information Security Practicing OOP with Java Data structures and algorithms Foreign language Japanese Students have knowledge of database systems with relational database models. Students practice objectoriented programming with the Java language.
Students master the basic concepts of data structures and the algorithms implemented for data structures using the Java language for illustration. reading writing and communicating in the work environment. Semester Elementary Japanese Industrial orientation Introduction to Software Engineering Graphics Design Service Internet Java Web application development Statistical probability Students use Japanese at a basic level reading writing and communicating in the work environment. Students master the software development process including processes used in the software technology industry Water Fall Spiral Interactive Development Agile. Students are fluent in the UML software design language. Semester Programming system Application password Internet of things Probability statistics Foreign language Japanese Students gain knowledge of designing and writing computer programs that enable computer hardware. Students understand cryptography the science of creating and breaking codes and ciphers.
Students gain general knowledge of processes and life cycles in Software Engineering and project management. Students have access to basic knowledge of the Internet of Things. Students use Japanese at an advanced level reading writing and communicating in the work environment. Semester Risk management in information systems Develop information security policy Open source systems and network administration Project management Cyber law and IT ethics Students know how to assess and manage risks based on determining acceptable levels of risk for information systems. Students are introduced to open source clientserver networking security concepts and basic information security. Students know how to effectively.