A tax transaction is a type of agreement signed between tax debtors – individuals or legal entities – and the National Treasury Attorney General’s Office – PGFN, which results in the extinction of the tax credit.
Regulated by Law No. 13,988 of 2020 , the transaction has been used by companies to settle their tax debts in a more amenable way, since carrying out the transaction allows for the installment of debts and considerable discounts.
The National Treasury Attorney General's gambling data south africa Office (PGFN) provides, on its website, the regularize , access to carry out this agreement, as well as presenting the different types of transaction and other information.
Thus, more than 5.2 million companies registered in active debt can settle their debts.
To this end, the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service (RFB) or the National Treasury Attorney General's Office (PGFN), through the publication of notices, present the transaction modalities that will be made public for adhesion.
It is essential that businesspeople surround themselves with the best professionals, especially when dealing with a subject as complex as taxation. Specifically, to safely adhere to one of the tax transaction modalities, there are several variables that need to be studied.
A tax specialist is the right professional to help the entrepreneur define a modality that is best suited to the characteristics of the debt and the company, as well as being the best person to select the most advantageous possibilities.
Professional support can be decisive in helping a company make the most correct choice, which promotes tax savings and settles its debts in the least painful way.
Therefore, professional monitoring by a specialist can be decisive for more assertive and well-founded decision-making, which will certainly bring more security to the entrepreneur and resolve the tax situation of their company.