We said that we talk about on premise when the server is located at the user's premises and hosted when it is located in the data center of a hosting provider. But what are the differences between these two solutions, and which is preferable to adopt?
The answer is not obvious south african whatsapp number and requires an analysis of the specific circumstances and needs. But generally speaking, it is important to keep in mind that a physical server must be maintained and monitored. It is simultaneously a delicate machine that could break down, an external interface that could be subject to cyber attacks, and a valuable asset that could be stolen. It is also still a computer subject to obsolescence, which will need to be replaced after a few years.
For all these reasons, the most appropriate choice is often to rely on a professional hosting provider. The benefits are numerous:
No responsibility for the hardware, which will be maintained by competent personnel in a dedicated and appropriately equipped facility.

Greater security, both at the IT and physical level, thanks to software and control systems that are much more sophisticated than those normally used in an office.
More flexible and efficient supply management, thanks to purchase contracts that are normally renewed from month to month without any constraints. If your operational needs change, you can replace your hardware without worrying about depreciation costs.