It is always more reassuring, at the beginning, to have support to be sure of the direction you are taking. Webconversion, an inbound marketing agency, will be able to listen to you and be available to support you in implementing your inbound strategy. Have you ever refused projects because you didn't have a large enough team internally? Are you having trouble recruiting developers and new employees? Are your ads staying on recruitment sites too long? If all your answers are yes, it may be time to look into inbound recruiting. Inbound recruiting, what is it? Like inbound marketing , inbound recruiting is a method which consists of arousing the interest of a target and encouraging interactions through informative and engaging content.
Inbound recruiting aims to work on the image of the company Chinese Malaysia Phone Number List in order to make it attractive to candidates. The goal is to encourage them to apply spontaneously. The inbound recruiting strategy includes e-reputation management, distribution of content on the employer brand and the candidate experience. Software publishers: facing the competition with inbound recruiting Inbound recruiting can thus make it possible to recruit candidates with rare and highly qualified profiles.

In the case of software publishers, recruiting talent represents a major strategic issue. And it is not always easy to stand out among the many players in the sector. It is therefore a real war for talent that is taking place for many recruiters. “Know your enemy and know yourself; if you had to fight a hundred wars, a hundred times you will be victorious” Sun Tzu “The art of war”.